The Road goes ever on and on: A reflection on leaving the company I helped start.

This past week I left my position at the company I helped start four years ago. To be certain, this was a difficult decision. Though, what would’ve been much more difficult would have been staying.

F Scott Fitzgerald once posited that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” Now I’m not suggesting that my psyche is of any rate or order approaching quality, rather, that the past year or so has been an exercise in functioning while being torn by opposing ideas. In the end the struggle was always between my convictions and acquiescing to the status quo that is pervasive today throughout both society and business. In this case, the status quo is living an unexamined life, following orders without ever considering why or what they’re there for, and working mindlessly in the mold and under the banner, of, “well that’s the way things have always been done.”

And while the past years weren’t all good (none ever are), they also weren’t all bad, either (we’ll have plenty of uneventful days when we’re gone!). In that vein, I’ve learned invaluable lessons about growth, leadership, management, and out and out tenacity and perseverance that no B School or life coach could ever hope to impart, for which I am absolutely grateful, and much the better having come through it (At the same time, it sure would’ve been a lot easier to simply read about it than live it, but that’s life, and I’m here for the ride).

Some of the things which struck me the most in reflecting on this period of my life;

  • I’m absolutely grateful for the customers and clients who put up with me through these past several years, and have become like an extended family for me.
  • The support and strength of my family and my close friends, who had to sacrifice just as much if not more than me (simply by being in my corner at times, but also having to put up with my many moods, and distracted states, and long hours) by proxy.
  • The guys I worked with day in and day out through both the good times, and the bad in our effort to create and work at a truly great company. As far as my team goes, I’ll always recall fondly the risks they took to join me on the journey, and certainly the loyalty and dedication they showed, and continue to show. And I point this out simply because I’d be remiss if I didn’t.

Any one man’s dreams can be as big as the universe, and that is fine. Me? I’m wise enough (just enough) though, to realize it’s absolutely mandatory to surround yourself with the kind of people that make you feel as big as your dreams, that can push you along in the direction of your dreams, and most importantly, pick you up and support you on the days when you don’t much feel like chasing them anymore. Be ever on the lookout for those sort of people, surround yourself with those people, foster those people, reward those people, and never lose those people. If you do that, good times, good things, and joy and celebrations will be ever present in your collective wake.

For the curious among you readers, if you have any questions about how I got to this point, I’m more than happy to answer each and every one of them, but it is not what has been done, but what is to be done about it that is most important.

And, so, what is to be done next?

My stated goal now is to build a better mouse trap, to solve more problems, to be good to those who have been good to me, and generally be the best version of me, doing the most interesting and worthwhile things I can think of, both personally, and professionally.

In that respect, life offers us no conditions, we are here for an undetermined amount of time, faced with an undetermined fate, and with myriad challenges along the way. We don’t have to always smile about what is thrown at us, but we sure as heck always need to fight, we always need to ask questions and love in the same way; loudly, and with conviction.

And so, that’s the plan as I see it: Work hard for as long as you’re given towards something meaningful, and for the greater good of you and yours around you, figure out as many “why’s” as you can along the way (be sure to share what you’ve found with the class), try to try at least everything at least once, and make sure to leave this place better than how you found it.

Well, that’s that! I look forward to this next step in the journey, and new roads. And invite you all to join me.


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