History repeats itself, as the US opts to indiscriminately arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria.

Breaking: Washington Airdrops Tons of Weapons to Rebels in Syria

The byline should read: Affiliation, experience, and motives be damned.

So here is the strategy dreamed up by the Beltway’s best and brightest: replay the 1980s US proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. It is the resurrection of the Zbigniew Brzezinski plan to create and arm the Mujahideen to take out Russia in Syria as they took out the USSR in Afghanistan.

The outcome of the efforts of both the Soviets and the United States in the 1980’s was a war-torn Afghanistan with no clear victories, progress, or plan for the future. Just high body counts, destruction, and a power-vacuum set for filling by war lords and battle-hardened (and well-armed) militants.

Fast forward to 2015, and both the US and the Russians are at it again, yet somehow expecting different results.

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